Photo by Andy Powell on Unsplash

Mastering Next.js 14: Simplify Data Fetching with the New useFetch Hook

The Next.js 14 release has brought a slew of exciting features and improvements to the table, making it an even more powerful framework for building React applications. Among these enhancements, one feature stands out for its potential to drastically simplify your code and improve data handling: the new useFetch hook. In this article, we’ll dive into how you can leverage this hook to streamline your data fetching logic in Next.js 14....

June 17, 2024 · 3 min · Helder Esteves
Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash

Understanding the Basics of React Architecture

Frontend architecture has evolved significantly with the introduction of modern frameworks and tools. At its core, a clean and scalable architecture enables your team to manage increasingly complex systems and growing user demands with ease. Here are some fundamental strategies to keep in mind: Modularity: Break down the application into smaller, reusable, and replaceable modules. Consistency: Adopt a consistent coding style and use shared components and design patterns. Scalability: Design with future expansion in mind....

April 22, 2024 · 4 min · Helder Esteves